Marimba Mallets Johan Bridger Signature - 05.3 Medium very hard clear

Marimba Mallets Johan Bridger Signature - 05.3 Medium hard brillant -clear

per 2

ORANGE / PURPLE Medium hard brillant / clear

These mallets, unavoidable in this series, enjoy the rich sound in the marimba midrange with a beautiful clarity in the treble, ideal transition to the hardest models, they provide precision and presence in contemporary pieces.

Available in Rattan and Wood handles

The pair of mallets


Johan Bridger :

International Marimbist /Percussion Soloist
Marimba teacher at the Danish National Academy of Music in Odense.
Director of the percussion department at the Malmö Music Academy (Sweden)

"These mallets have:
- the brilliance and depth it takes to cut through an orchestra
- the clarity to play rapid standard literature
- the necessary presence to play chamber music
- all without any compromise of pure marimba sound!
Good stuff!" Johan Bridger

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