Student mallets

Student mallets by Resta-Jay Percussions

Student mallets made to begin percussion with an adapted equipment.

Timpani Student Mallets - Medium


Medium - Round sound.

Approved to start timpani with a polyvalent set.

Appreciated by teachers.

Maple handles, diameter 12mm


Timpani Student Mallets - Medium hard -...


Medium hard - hardwearing felt

Approved to start timpani and percussion.
Also praised for multi-percussion.

Appreciated by teachers.

Maple handles diameter 12mm


Military Drum sticks "JUNIOR" - Emmanuel Jay


JUNIOR : Smaller, to respect the morphology of the youngest players.

The tip enhances sound development and the stick is shaped to prepare for a smooth transition towards the "adult sticks" size (Maestria or Parade type).


Snare sticks CLASSIC MAPLE

CC - classic Maple

A full, round tip brings increased focus and clarity to the drums and cymbals.

Appreciated by teachers for versatility.

Weight: Around 50gr
Diameters:  Corp : 15.65 mm - Tip : 9.10mm
Length: 400  mm

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