Thomas Dobler Signature

RESTA-JAY Thomas Dobler vibraphone Signature mallets

Immerse yourself in a music world combining nostalgia and innovation, the atmosphere of the 50s and 70s is mixed with the modern design of these mallets. The «rubber» sound, typical of this series offers rich colors and new sound.

Vibraphone Mallets Thomas Dobler Signature...


Signature Thomas Dobler

“African Ballad”
Rubber sound extreme (sound of 1950s), Touched soft and rich.

With "velvety" wool

A set of 4 mallets

(Vibraphone and Marimba)

Available in Rattan and Wood handles


Vibraphone Mallets Thomas Dobler Signature...


Signature Thomas Dobler

Colors sound of 1970s, medium-soft.

Select your wool : "clarity" or "exclusive"

A set of 4 mallets

(Vibraphone and Marimba)

Available in Rattan and Wood handles


Vibraphone Mallets Thomas Dobler Signature...


Signature Thomas Dobler

“West Coast”
Medium to clear, different possibilities according to the dynamics of play.
Brilliance and clarity in the forte

With "velvety" wool

A set of 4 mallets

Velvet touch / Double tone

(Vibraphone and Marimba)

Available in Rattan and Wood handles


Vibraphone Mallets Thomas Dobler Signature...


New in 2020

Signature Thomas Dobler

Clear sound , medium-hard.

Mallets combining clarity and precision, light to medium weight.
Quick response.

Select your wool : "clarity" or "exclusive"

A set of 4 mallets

(Vibraphone and Marimba)

Available in Rattan and Wood handles

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