Jean-Luc Rimey-Meille Signature

RESTA-JAY Jean-Luc Rimey-Meille Signature xylophone mallets

These three models fall progressively just under the hardness of hard mallets and allow for an attenuation of the xylophone's treble harmonics; they are highly adapted for playing ragtime, galop, etc. music types.

Xylophone Mallets J-Luc Rimey-Meille Signature...


Ideal mallets to play ragtime GH Green, heavy enough, they can have a round and deep sound while playing slightly.

A pair

They can also be used in the high register of the marimba.

Please note that mallets with wood handles cannot be taken back or exchanged!


Xylophone Mallets J-Luc Rimey-Meille Signature...


Semi-hard clear
These Mallets can have a full sound on all types of instruments, from keyboards, skins to temples blocks. They are also fairly heavy.

A pair

Please note that mallets with wood handles cannot be taken back or exchanged!


Xylophone Mallets J-Luc Rimey-Meille Signature...


Semi-hard brillant
Mallets approaching the hardness of the wood, they blur the attack slightly and are effective in ensemble to avoid slamming of wood against wood.

A pair

Please note that mallets with wood handles cannot be taken back or exchanged!

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