Prestige Serie

RESTA-JAY Prestige Vibraphone mallets series

Legacy of unique expertise, the result of a long experience and exchange with percussionnists, the new PRESTIGE serie guarantees elegance and richness of sound in all situations. This innovative range offers an unequalled playing experience, completed with a velvet, bright and deep touch.

Vibraphone Mallets Vincent Limouzin Signature...


New in 2019

Signature Vincent Limouzin

Medium, rich and velvety

A set of 4 mallets

With "velvety" wool

Particularly suited to J. S. BACH repertoire, solo pieces and ballades.

These mallets from can be used interchangeably on marimba and vibraphone.

Available in Rattan and Wood handles


Vibraphone Mallets Emmanuel Séjourné Signature...


Signature Emmanuel Séjourné

Medium - Clear sound - quite heavy

Select your wool : "clarity" or "exclusive"

Clear touch

A set of 4 mallets

Mallets combining clarity and sound projection.

(Vibraphone and Marimba)

Available in Rattan and Wood handles


Vibraphone Mallets Philippe Spiesser Signature...


Signature Philippe Spiesser

Medium Hard - Very precis and polyvalent

A set of 4 mallets

Choice your wool : "clarity" or "exclusive"

Clear touch

Highly expressive, ideal for contemporary music.
Very versatile and suitable for a large repertoire.

Available in Rattan and Wood handles


Vibraphone Mallets Thomas Dobler Signature...


Signature Thomas Dobler

“African Ballad”
Rubber sound extreme (sound of 1950s), Touched soft and rich.

With "velvety" wool

A set of 4 mallets

(Vibraphone and Marimba)

Available in Rattan and Wood handles


Vibraphone Mallets Thomas Dobler Signature...


Signature Thomas Dobler

Colors sound of 1970s, medium-soft.

Select your wool : "clarity" or "exclusive"

A set of 4 mallets

(Vibraphone and Marimba)

Available in Rattan and Wood handles


Vibraphone Mallets Thomas Dobler Signature...


Signature Thomas Dobler

“West Coast”
Medium to clear, different possibilities according to the dynamics of play.
Brilliance and clarity in the forte

With "velvety" wool

A set of 4 mallets

Velvet touch / Double tone

(Vibraphone and Marimba)

Available in Rattan and Wood handles


Vibraphone Mallets Thomas Dobler Signature...


New in 2020

Signature Thomas Dobler

Clear sound , medium-hard.

Mallets combining clarity and precision, light to medium weight.
Quick response.

Select your wool : "clarity" or "exclusive"

A set of 4 mallets

(Vibraphone and Marimba)

Available in Rattan and Wood handles


Vibraphone Mallets Thierry Bonneaux Signature...


Signature Thierry Bonneaux

Medium hard / Brillant - Deep and rich on the entire keyboard

A set of 4 mallets

With "clarity" wool

Clarity and efficiency, ideal for recording and in orchestra !
These mallets allow a wide sound palette, to go from low to high pitch with efficiency and rich tone of this, from vibraphone to marimba...

Available in Rattan and Wood handles


Vibraphone Mallets Jean Geoffroy Signature...


Signature Jean Geoffroy

Medium Hard - full-bodied weight mallets, rich and deep sound.

A set of 4 mallets
With "velvety" wool

Velvet touch

Highly expressive, ideal for contemporary music. Large possibility.

Available in Rattan and Wood handles


Vibraphone Mallets Jean Geoffroy Signature...


Signature Jean Geoffroy

Medium Hard - full-bodied weight mallets, rich and deep sound.

A set of 4 mallets

Clear touch

With "clarity" wool

Highly expressive, ideal for contemporary music. Large possibility.

Available in Rattan and Wood handles

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